We are now proud to be able to offer Moving and Safe Handling of People courses with CPD accreditation. Please contact us for more information or to book an on-site course!
Upcoming courses
- Written by Mark Prothero
21st-22nd March (sold out – waiting list for cancellations) 2 Day Paediatric First Aid 29th March (2 spaces left) 1 Day Emergency First Aid at Work 16th April 1 Day Emergency First Aid at Work 18th-20th April 3 Day First Aid at Work 1st-2nd May 2 Day Paediatric First Aid 16th May 1 Day Emergency
Scheduled courses to run
- Written by Mark Prothero
Our 1 day and 3 day First Aid at Work courses scheduled to commence on Monday 5th March are still expected to run. Any queries please contact us on 01432611933